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Avoiding the Flu and the Flu shot

We are in the mist of Flu season. It last from October all the way until March. During that time frame many changes take place. Those changes begin to affect our bodies and it’s ability to fight off viruses and infection. Many people flock to get a shot that is suppose to prevent the flu, but somehow many of those same people still experience it. I know that was the case for me for a long time. It never failed. A day or two after receiving the flu shot, I would end up sick. Eventually I got tired of the trend and started finding alternatives for myself. Now this is the time I usually use spices, fruits, and vegetables that I wouldn’t normally consume. For instance, I typically use garlic because it’s good for fighting infection and removing toxins from the body. Too much garlic too often can lead to a hole forming in the stomach because it is so acidic. Also pineapples are a great choice because they help to clear up the sinus cavity and flush the body. Again with it being so acidic, it is not a food I typically consume, only when I want to get rid of symptoms of the cold or flu. Over the years I’ve created several juice, tea, and smoothie recipes that are sure to prevent any flu or knock it out of your body faster than any medication. Sometimes if I feel that I’m starting to feel really bad. I’ll sleep with onions and garlic in my socks. This really works because they both remove toxins from the body and onions purifies the blood.

If you’re looking for a natural way to fight the flu this season, click here for some of my favorite recipes.

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Health benefits of peaches

One of the main reasons I love the summer time is for the amazing juicy fruits like peaches. Not only do they taste amazing, but there are so many great benefits to them. There is a long list but here a just a few.


Weight Control
One large peach, about 2 3/4 inches in diameter, contains just 68 calories and no fat. Eating peaches instead of more fattening, processed snacks, such as chips, baked goods, cereal bars and cookies, can help you manage your weight. Peaches are naturally sweet and can replace some of the added sugars in your diet.


Peaches contain 10 different vitamins. Peaches contain vitamin A, important to healthy vision, vitamin C, an antioxidant and tissue-builder. Peaches provide lower levels of vitamins E and K. Vitamin E is another antioxidant, while vitamin K is essential to your body’s blood clotting capabilities. Peaches are also a source of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, niacin, folate and pantothenic acid


A peach provides potassium, which can help you maintain healthy blood pressure as well as prevent kidney stones and bone loss. Peaches provide some magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, iron and calcium as well. These minerals work to support red blood cell, bone and nervous system health.


One of the major antioxidants in peaches, chlorogenic acid, helps scavenge free radicals — compounds that your body acquires through exposure to pollutants, food and the environment — to reduce the effects of aging and deter chronic diseases. This antioxidant may also help ward off cancer and reduce body


A large peach provides 17 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of which come from fiber. Fiber is essential to smooth and healthy digestion, preventing constipation and ensuring digestive health. Fiber may also play a role in regulating your cholesterol levels, helping to reduce your risk of developing heart disease. An adult woman should try to consume 25 g of fiber daily, and an adult man 38 g daily.

Peaches are a lot of great source of zinc, which has anti-aging properties. The consumption of zinc-rich foods such as peaches promotes the production of antibodies and inhibits the cellular damage caused by toxins. Peaches also interferes with the aging process of male reproductive organs by boosting the levels of the reproductive hormone testosterone in the body.

So next time you’re out grocery shopping, be sure to pick up a bag of peaches for yourself.

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Wellness Wednesday: common detox symptoms

I’ve gotten so many inboxes concerning two common symptoms of detoxing. Those symptoms are constipation and excess body odor. There are other symptoms experienced during detoxing/fasting, but these are the two common ones everyone experiences right off the top.

While going through a detox, there are two main exits for these toxins to escape from. The skin and colon. Many people have mentioned how they’ve felt really backed up during the first few days of detoxing/fasting. Well it’s really normal. Depending on how much waste is in the body, it could be that the detox is working faster than the body is able to process it. So as the body is detoxing itself, waste is piling up in the colon trying to get out. This is not the time to give up!! Instead, drink more water and if possible incorporate some exercise. A simple 15-30 minute walk around the neighborhood/office will do to get things flowing.

The other complaint is that people experience excess body odor. The thing not to do is to bathe in Cologne/perfume, or any heavy deodorants. Toxins are trying to get out through the skin and putting on all those things will cause the skin to clog up and could lead to sickness. Use light oils like coconut oil, rose water, or any deodorant that does not contain aluminum or other chemicals.

If you have anymore questions concerning detoxing, fasting, weight loss, and other health questions. Be sure to schedule a consultation with me by clicking here.


check out my periscope for more info.


Happy cleansing people 😃


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Essential oil course

Are you looking for a guide to help you understanding the usage and importance of essential oils?


I definitely have a course for you to take advantage of. In this course “A guide to essential oils,” I show you daily uses for essential oils. Also I give feedback on how it has helped me during my health journey. If that sounds like something for you click here and head on over to the course. Be sure to ask any questions if you’re needing any help.

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Wellness Wednesday: popcorn alternative


If you’ve been following me for any length of time you know I LOVE FOOD! During my transition from the American standard diet to a plant based diet, I learned more about so many different foods and spices that I never tried before. One of my favorite things to do is to snack throughout the day. My go to would always be popcorn. Just about everyday I would make stove top popcorn and season it with salt, turmeric, and cayenne pepper. Well also during my transition I learned more about the food industry and what they were really doing with our food. The chemicals used to grow our food, and the effects it was having on our bodies. About 95% of the corn grown in the United States is GMO. If you’re not hip to what GMO is, it’s basically the scientist the work in the food industry modify the structure of a plant/food to allow it to grow faster without spending less month. In turn its taking away the nutritional value of that plant as well as causing hormonal imbalance in our bodies. After finding this out, I cut back on my popcorn intake and eventually let it all go completely. Knowing that information didn’t take away my love for popcorn though, so I needed to find an alternative FAST! I started researching and found that amaranth was a great go to.

What is amaranth you say!? It is an ancient grain found in Mexico. It’s a little tiny seed whose plant can produce up to 60,000 seeds alone. It’s packed with a long list of vitamins and nutrients like iron, calcium, amino acids, and so much more. To read up on more about Amaranth, check out my last blog here.

So when I first tried amaranth, I fell in love. The taste is amazing and very similar to popcorn. The only draw back is they are so small, but it’s worth it. I still use the same seasons as before and I feel like I’ve never left. So if you’re a popcorn lover like I use to be, give amaranth a try. All you need is a hot pan and amaranth seeds (no oil required). Let me know what you think if you try it out. 😃

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Wellness Wednesday: 6 choices you can eat instead of rice

Rice was one of my absolute favorite foods. I loved Chinese dishes, Mexican dishes, and any other type of dishes that are made with rice, I enjoyed it fully.

Over these last 5 years I’ve come to learn the truth about rice and how unhealthy it is for our bodies. Rice is a man made item, and it is very toxic. Rice is a hybrid food that is basically plastic. If left out for long periods of time, it even turns back to plastic if left out for long periods of time after being cooked. Rice contains cyanide and high levels of starch. Starch is a chemical that the body converts into carbonic acid when consumed. it burns and destroys cells, and weakens the mucus membrane.

All rice (white, whole grain, brown, and yellow) is hybrid and toxic except wild rice. These are the options that can be consumed and are more filling and nutritious than regular rice.

  • Amaranth

– It’s Actually A Seed: Like quinoa, amaranth is not technically a grain but is the seed of the amaranth plant. One plant can produce up to 60,000 seeds.

Amaranth Is Gluten-Free: Amaranth doesn’t contain any gluten, which makes it a great choice for people who are celiac or gluten intolerant and an excellent way to boost the nutritional power of gluten-free recipes.

– It Contains Lysine: Most grains like wheat are short on lysine, an amino acid, but that’s not the case for amaranth. This makes amaranth a complete protein, because it contains all the essential amino acids.

-Amaranth Contains Protein: Amaranth’s protein content is about 13 percent, or 26 grams per cup, which is much higher than for most other grains.

-You Can Eat Other Parts Of The Plant: Amaranth seeds may be the best-known part of the plant, which has more than 60 different species, but the leaves are also edible. They’re commonly used in Asian and Caribbean cuisines

– It’s A Source Of Key Vitamins And Minerals: Amaranth contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. One cup of uncooked amaranth has 31 percent of the RDA for calcium, 14 percent for vitamin C, and 82 percent for iron.

-Amaranth Can Be Popped: Popped amaranth is used in Mexico as a topping for toast, among other things. It looks like tiny popcorn kernels and has a nutty taste.

-Amaranth Is Good For Your Heart: Several studies have shown that amaranth could have cholesterol-lowering potential.

– And It Can Help Keep You Regular: amaranth is also a source of fibre with 13 grams of dietary fibre per uncooked cup compared to just 2 grams for the same amount of long-grain white rice.

  • Kamut

– With its nutty flavor, kamut, which is also called Khorasan wheat

-Kamut provides you with fiber, a type of carbohydrate, and protein, an essential macronutrient

-Consume kamut as an excellent source of the essential minerals selenium and manganese. Each serving contains the entire daily recommended manganese intake for women and 78 percent for men

-They also support your body’s hormone balance — manganese helps you synthesize sex hormones, while selenium supports the production of thyroid hormones.

-Kamut also benefits your health by providing considerable amounts of magnesium and zinc. Each serving contains 83 milligrams of magnesium — 20 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 26 percent for women.

-A diet rich in zinc benefits your immune system and promotes healthy thyroid function, while magnesium strengthens bone tissue and activates enzymes your cells need to function.

  • Quinoa

– Aids in strengthening bones and muscles

-it contains all the essential amino acids. For this reason, it is an excellent source of protein. It has both more and better protein than most grains.

-Rebuilding of hair follicles and aid in hair growth

-Quinoa is very high in minerals, but the phytic acid can partly prevent them from being absorbed. Soaking or sprouting degrades most of the phytic acid.

-Quinoa can improve metabolic health. This includes lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels.

  • Spelt

-Some of the health benefits of spelt include its ability to help in regulating the body’s metabolism, aid in the creation of sex hormones, increase circulation, build strong bones, improve the immune system, boosting digestive function, lowering blood sugar, and reducing cholesterol levels in the body.

-The very high content of fiber in spelt means that it facilitates healthy digestion in a major way.

-Dietary fiber helps to bulk up your stool and move food through the digestive tract, speeding up the absorption of nutrients and helping to reduce conditions like constipation, bloating, cramping, excess gas, diarrhea, and more serious gastrointestinal issues like ulcers.

-The high levels of iron and copper in spelt combine to significantly boost circulation. Iron and copper are essential for the creation of red blood cells

  • Teff

-Teff is high in protein with a great combination of eight essential amino acids needed for the body’s growth and repair.

-Teff is a gluten-free grain so it can be a great alternative for those living with celiac disease, having gluten intolerance or choosing a gluten-free lifestyle.

-contains anto-cancer properties and fights yeast infection

  • wild rice

-Wild rice is a healthy food choice as it is low in calories and high in protein and carbohydrates.

-Great for increasing muscle mass

-Aids in weight loss due to low calorie count

-contains powerful anti-aging properties and helps in the health of skin.

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Benefits of Frankincense: featured DoTerra oil

Hello everyone, I know it’s been a minute since I last posted here on my blog but I have some amazing things in store so be on the look out. I recently joined an amazing organization called DoTerra that distributes essential oils. They are all nature, pure, and very powerful. I’ve compared them to other essential oils I’ve bought in the past and they don’t compare. Well now that I’m using them, I want to introduce DoTerra to you all. I’m going to start by featuring different oils each week, just to give you an idea of the amazingness I speak of. To learn more head on over to


First I want to start off with my all time favorite oil. Frankincense, or as my friends and I like to call it, Jesus oil.

The health benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseptic, disinfectant, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, digestive, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, sedative, tonic, uterine and vulnerary substance.
Frankincense has been a popular ingredient in cosmetics and incense burners for centuries. It has even been found in the remains of ancient Egyptian and Anglo-Saxon civilizations. Furthermore, It is closely associated with religious ceremonies.
Health Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil
Apart from being used as a cosmetic and as a fragrance, frankincense oil has numerous medicinal uses, which are summarized below.
Immune System: Frankincense Oil is effective as an antiseptic, and even the fumes or smoke obtained from burning it have antiseptic and disinfectant qualities that eliminate the germs in the space where the smoke filters out. It can be applied on wounds without any known side effects to protect them from tetanus and becoming septic. It is equally good on internal wounds and protects them from developing infections.
Oral Health: Those same antiseptic qualities also make frankincense oil a useful preventative measure against oral issues, like bad breath, toothaches, cavities, mouth sores, and other infections. Look for natural oral care products that include frankincense oil if you enjoy the flavor or aroma, and want to include a strong antiseptic in your health regimen. You can even create your own all-natural toothpaste with frankincense oil and baking soda, or a mouthwash with water and peppermint oil.
Astringent: The astringent property of Frankincense Oil has many benefits, because it strengthens gums, hair roots, tones and lifts skin, contracts muscles, intestines and blood vessels, and thereby gives protection from premature losses of teeth and hair. This astringent qualityalso reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and combats the loss of firmness of intestines, abdominal muscles, and limbs associated with age. Above all, frankincense acts as a coagulant, helping to stop bleeding from wounds and cuts. This astringent property also helps to relieve diarrhea of various types
Emenagogue: Frankincense essential oil reduces obstructed and delayed menstruation and delays the advent of menopause. It also helps curing other symptoms associated with menses and Post Menstrual Syndrome, such as pain in the abdominal region, nausea, headache, fatigue, and mood swings.
Frankincense oil eliminates gas and prevents it from building up in the body. This removal of excess gas from the intestines also gives relief from associated problems like stomach aches, pain in the abdominal region and chest, abnormal amounts of sweating, uneasiness, indigestion and many other related conditions.
Cicatrisant: This is an interesting property of Frankincense Oil, and since skin health and anti-aging are such hot topics these days, this essential oil has become even more important! When applied topically or inhaled, it can makes the scars and after marks of boils, acne and pox on the skin fade at a much faster rate. This also includes the fading of stretch marks, surgery marks, and fat cracks associated with pregnancy and delivery of children.

Digestive: This oil has digestive properties without any side effects, and it facilitates digestion the way most medicines should, unlike common antacids which only suppress the symptoms. This oil speeds up the secretion of digestive juices (gastric juices, bile and acids) in the stomach and facilitates movement of food through the intestines by stimulating peristaltic motion. This means an all-around improvement in the digestion of food.
Anti-Aging: Frankincense Oil promotes regeneration of healthy cells and also keeps the existing cells and tissues healthy. When you combine this aspect of frankincense oil with its powerful astringent capabilities, you have a potent anti-aging quality that frankincense oil is often used for. It can help you to eliminate sun spots, remove micro-wrinkles around the eyes and cheeks, and generally tone and tighten skin all over your body, while simultaneously replacing old or dying cells with new, healthy ones!
Tonic: Overall, frankincense essential oil tones and boosts health and is therefore considered a tonic. It benefits all the systems operating in the body, including the respiratory, digestive, nervous, and excretory systems, while also increasing strength by aiding the absorption of nutrients into the body. Furthermore, frankincense oil strengthens the immune system and keeps you strong and protected for the future.
Diuretic: Frankincense essential oil is a natural and safe alternative. It promotes urination and helps you lose that extra water weight, as well as fats, sodium, uric acid and various other toxins from the body, with the added advantage of lowering blood pressure. The best part about this is that frankincense essential oil is completely safe and has no adverse side effects.
Respiratory Issues: It soothes coughs and eliminates phlegm deposited in the respiratory tracts and the lungs. Frankincense essential oil also provides relief from bronchitis and congestion of nasal tract, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, and lungs. Its antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties also help relax the breathing passages, which can reduce the dangers of asthma attacks, and its antiseptic qualities are what give it the reputation of being an immune system booster!
Uterine: This oil is very good for uterine health. Since it regulates the production of the estrogen hormone, it reduces the chances of post-menopause tumor or cyst formation in the uterus, also known as uterine cancer.

image.jpegOther Benefits: It relieves pain associated with rheumatism and arthritis. It helps heal boils, infected wounds, acne, circulatory problems, insomnia and various types of inflammation.

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You’ve got questions.

I have answers.


Let’s talk about all things health.

-Plant-based nutrition

-Natural skin care

-Health and wellness






The wellness package is a holistic guide to get in alignment with the mind, body, and spirit.  Each package include One on one health vision and goal setting session (45-90 minutes). Weekly Skype, or phone consultations. Meal planning and prepping tips, and one guided shopping trip consultation, along with a self-care plan.


7 day wellness package

  • Includes all the above
  • mindset session (30 minutes – 1 hour)
  • suggested reading materials

14 day wellness package

  • Includes all the above
  • 2 mindset session (30 minutes- 1 hour)
  • 1 hour guided meditation
  • One week meal recipes

One month wellness package

  • Includes all the above
  • 6 mindset sessions (30 minutes – 1 hour)
  • 3 guided meditations
  • 2 week meal recipes

3 month wellness package

  • Includes all the above
  • 20 mindset sessions (30 minutes – 1 hour)
  • 9 guided meditations
  • 6 week meal recipes



You can also sign up for my emailing list HERE

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So it’s that time of the year when most of us have fallen off our NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!

It’s ok because we all fall short from time to time either due to daily schedules, lack of motivation, or no support.

Well I’m here to say…I GOT YO BACK!! It’s time now to rejuvenate that body, mind, and spirit so that we can get right just in time for the summer.

Spring cleanse challenge will touch on beauty, health, and mental wellness. So if this is something you want to be apart. Follow the link here:


Watch my periscope to learn more



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Udemy Coupon Code

Hey Peeps


I have made available until Tuesday April 12, a coupon for my “How to maintain and succeed with a plant-based diet” on udemy. The Code ID is VEGAN10. Be sure to check it out while the price is good.


Spread the love 🙂
