health and wellness, lupus, Uncategorized

Health benefits of peaches

One of the main reasons I love the summer time is for the amazing juicy fruits like peaches. Not only do they taste amazing, but there are so many great benefits to them. There is a long list but here a just a few.


Weight Control
One large peach, about 2 3/4 inches in diameter, contains just 68 calories and no fat. Eating peaches instead of more fattening, processed snacks, such as chips, baked goods, cereal bars and cookies, can help you manage your weight. Peaches are naturally sweet and can replace some of the added sugars in your diet.


Peaches contain 10 different vitamins. Peaches contain vitamin A, important to healthy vision, vitamin C, an antioxidant and tissue-builder. Peaches provide lower levels of vitamins E and K. Vitamin E is another antioxidant, while vitamin K is essential to your body’s blood clotting capabilities. Peaches are also a source of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, niacin, folate and pantothenic acid


A peach provides potassium, which can help you maintain healthy blood pressure as well as prevent kidney stones and bone loss. Peaches provide some magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, iron and calcium as well. These minerals work to support red blood cell, bone and nervous system health.


One of the major antioxidants in peaches, chlorogenic acid, helps scavenge free radicals — compounds that your body acquires through exposure to pollutants, food and the environment — to reduce the effects of aging and deter chronic diseases. This antioxidant may also help ward off cancer and reduce body


A large peach provides 17 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of which come from fiber. Fiber is essential to smooth and healthy digestion, preventing constipation and ensuring digestive health. Fiber may also play a role in regulating your cholesterol levels, helping to reduce your risk of developing heart disease. An adult woman should try to consume 25 g of fiber daily, and an adult man 38 g daily.

Peaches are a lot of great source of zinc, which has anti-aging properties. The consumption of zinc-rich foods such as peaches promotes the production of antibodies and inhibits the cellular damage caused by toxins. Peaches also interferes with the aging process of male reproductive organs by boosting the levels of the reproductive hormone testosterone in the body.

So next time you’re out grocery shopping, be sure to pick up a bag of peaches for yourself.

health and wellness, lupus, Uncategorized

Wellness Wednesday: popcorn alternative


If you’ve been following me for any length of time you know I LOVE FOOD! During my transition from the American standard diet to a plant based diet, I learned more about so many different foods and spices that I never tried before. One of my favorite things to do is to snack throughout the day. My go to would always be popcorn. Just about everyday I would make stove top popcorn and season it with salt, turmeric, and cayenne pepper. Well also during my transition I learned more about the food industry and what they were really doing with our food. The chemicals used to grow our food, and the effects it was having on our bodies. About 95% of the corn grown in the United States is GMO. If you’re not hip to what GMO is, it’s basically the scientist the work in the food industry modify the structure of a plant/food to allow it to grow faster without spending less month. In turn its taking away the nutritional value of that plant as well as causing hormonal imbalance in our bodies. After finding this out, I cut back on my popcorn intake and eventually let it all go completely. Knowing that information didn’t take away my love for popcorn though, so I needed to find an alternative FAST! I started researching and found that amaranth was a great go to.

What is amaranth you say!? It is an ancient grain found in Mexico. It’s a little tiny seed whose plant can produce up to 60,000 seeds alone. It’s packed with a long list of vitamins and nutrients like iron, calcium, amino acids, and so much more. To read up on more about Amaranth, check out my last blog here.

So when I first tried amaranth, I fell in love. The taste is amazing and very similar to popcorn. The only draw back is they are so small, but it’s worth it. I still use the same seasons as before and I feel like I’ve never left. So if you’re a popcorn lover like I use to be, give amaranth a try. All you need is a hot pan and amaranth seeds (no oil required). Let me know what you think if you try it out. 😃

health and wellness, lupus, Uncategorized

Wellness Wednesday: 6 choices you can eat instead of rice

Rice was one of my absolute favorite foods. I loved Chinese dishes, Mexican dishes, and any other type of dishes that are made with rice, I enjoyed it fully.

Over these last 5 years I’ve come to learn the truth about rice and how unhealthy it is for our bodies. Rice is a man made item, and it is very toxic. Rice is a hybrid food that is basically plastic. If left out for long periods of time, it even turns back to plastic if left out for long periods of time after being cooked. Rice contains cyanide and high levels of starch. Starch is a chemical that the body converts into carbonic acid when consumed. it burns and destroys cells, and weakens the mucus membrane.

All rice (white, whole grain, brown, and yellow) is hybrid and toxic except wild rice. These are the options that can be consumed and are more filling and nutritious than regular rice.

  • Amaranth

– It’s Actually A Seed: Like quinoa, amaranth is not technically a grain but is the seed of the amaranth plant. One plant can produce up to 60,000 seeds.

Amaranth Is Gluten-Free: Amaranth doesn’t contain any gluten, which makes it a great choice for people who are celiac or gluten intolerant and an excellent way to boost the nutritional power of gluten-free recipes.

– It Contains Lysine: Most grains like wheat are short on lysine, an amino acid, but that’s not the case for amaranth. This makes amaranth a complete protein, because it contains all the essential amino acids.

-Amaranth Contains Protein: Amaranth’s protein content is about 13 percent, or 26 grams per cup, which is much higher than for most other grains.

-You Can Eat Other Parts Of The Plant: Amaranth seeds may be the best-known part of the plant, which has more than 60 different species, but the leaves are also edible. They’re commonly used in Asian and Caribbean cuisines

– It’s A Source Of Key Vitamins And Minerals: Amaranth contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. One cup of uncooked amaranth has 31 percent of the RDA for calcium, 14 percent for vitamin C, and 82 percent for iron.

-Amaranth Can Be Popped: Popped amaranth is used in Mexico as a topping for toast, among other things. It looks like tiny popcorn kernels and has a nutty taste.

-Amaranth Is Good For Your Heart: Several studies have shown that amaranth could have cholesterol-lowering potential.

– And It Can Help Keep You Regular: amaranth is also a source of fibre with 13 grams of dietary fibre per uncooked cup compared to just 2 grams for the same amount of long-grain white rice.

  • Kamut

– With its nutty flavor, kamut, which is also called Khorasan wheat

-Kamut provides you with fiber, a type of carbohydrate, and protein, an essential macronutrient

-Consume kamut as an excellent source of the essential minerals selenium and manganese. Each serving contains the entire daily recommended manganese intake for women and 78 percent for men

-They also support your body’s hormone balance — manganese helps you synthesize sex hormones, while selenium supports the production of thyroid hormones.

-Kamut also benefits your health by providing considerable amounts of magnesium and zinc. Each serving contains 83 milligrams of magnesium — 20 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 26 percent for women.

-A diet rich in zinc benefits your immune system and promotes healthy thyroid function, while magnesium strengthens bone tissue and activates enzymes your cells need to function.

  • Quinoa

– Aids in strengthening bones and muscles

-it contains all the essential amino acids. For this reason, it is an excellent source of protein. It has both more and better protein than most grains.

-Rebuilding of hair follicles and aid in hair growth

-Quinoa is very high in minerals, but the phytic acid can partly prevent them from being absorbed. Soaking or sprouting degrades most of the phytic acid.

-Quinoa can improve metabolic health. This includes lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels.

  • Spelt

-Some of the health benefits of spelt include its ability to help in regulating the body’s metabolism, aid in the creation of sex hormones, increase circulation, build strong bones, improve the immune system, boosting digestive function, lowering blood sugar, and reducing cholesterol levels in the body.

-The very high content of fiber in spelt means that it facilitates healthy digestion in a major way.

-Dietary fiber helps to bulk up your stool and move food through the digestive tract, speeding up the absorption of nutrients and helping to reduce conditions like constipation, bloating, cramping, excess gas, diarrhea, and more serious gastrointestinal issues like ulcers.

-The high levels of iron and copper in spelt combine to significantly boost circulation. Iron and copper are essential for the creation of red blood cells

  • Teff

-Teff is high in protein with a great combination of eight essential amino acids needed for the body’s growth and repair.

-Teff is a gluten-free grain so it can be a great alternative for those living with celiac disease, having gluten intolerance or choosing a gluten-free lifestyle.

-contains anto-cancer properties and fights yeast infection

  • wild rice

-Wild rice is a healthy food choice as it is low in calories and high in protein and carbohydrates.

-Great for increasing muscle mass

-Aids in weight loss due to low calorie count

-contains powerful anti-aging properties and helps in the health of skin.

health and wellness, Uncategorized

Are you looking for an amazing place to shop that has great brands, supplements, foods, and more. Well look no further, is the place for you. Since discovering this online amazingness, I haven’t stopped shopping. I was so happy to find a store that catered to my lifestyle as a vegan. The foods are plentiful and so far very good. Ive bought everything from vegan chocolate bars, vegan cookies, and gluten-free vegan spelt noodles. All so very good. iherb also sells a wide range of teas, herbs, and supplements that everyone would love. I promise this is not something you want to overlook. Come on give them a try, and tell them I sent you :).




As promised in the video, I have listed a few more of my favorite foods that help with reducing and fighting inflammation. There are so many more foods but to no go on and on here are my absolute favorites that I consume on a regular basis. Listed are also their benefits and if consumed on a regular basis can bring much improvement to the body. Hope you enjoy. Be sure to like, share, and comment on whats your favorite.

  • Clove

-It is a powerful fast-soluble antioxidant

-Fights fungal infections of skin, ears, and vagina

-maintains the bodies enzymes at normal levels.

  • Ginger

-clears sinus channel

-eliminates nausea

-helps with aching muscles and joints

-removes throats and nose congestion

  • Rosemary






-maintains blood pressure

-controls heart rate

Vitamins A, B, and C

-Protects from lung cancer

-prevents brain disorders like Alzheimers

  • Turmeric

-improves eye health

-aids in weight loss

-lowers insulin resistance

-natural pain killer for joints and muscles

-Detoxifies liver

-Aids in better health


  • Purple Potatoes

-lowers blood pressure

-No excess weight gain

-Increases antibacterial

  • Flax seeds

-reduces insulin resistance

-contains Omega 3

-Prevents bone lose

-increases bone density

-Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease

-aids in brain development (especially in children)

-treats eczema, psoriasis, and other skin diseases

  • Leafy greens

-contains calcium


-Vitamin A,C, and K

-reduces swelling

-contains folate

  • Walnuts

-Vitamin E



-contains Omega 3

  • Sea plants (kelp, seamoss, and nori are my favs)

-prevents aging and chronic disease

-Lowers cholesterol

-solves mineral deficiencies

-Detoxifies the body

-balance thyroid function

  • Peppers (red, yellow, green, orange)

-high Vitamin C levels






  • Onions (purple is my fav)

-heals infections

-vitamin C

-regulates blood sugar

-improves skin conditions

  • Berries (raspberries, blueberries, Blackberries, etc)

-prevents aging

-prevents cardiovascular disease

-prevents arthritis


-improves digestion

-reduces asthma and arthritis

  • Avocado


-aids in heart health

-high in fiber

-lower cholesterol

health and wellness, lupus, Uncategorized

How to eliminate the generational curse


For so long we’ve all heard that sickness is hereditary.

Well what if I said it wasn’t!?

What If it’s just a collection of habits we’ve picked up over time from family and we ended up sick like them!?

It’s not their fault, it’s just what they knew. Especially in the black community, we eat so many things that ultimately are killing up slowly. We shouldn’t have children suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis. We’ve been programmed to believe that what we call “soul food” is good, but it’s only doing us harm. And don’t get me started on the fast food. Due to advertising, a large population of people are sick because of convenance and what’s shown on a daily basis. There are so many studies out there that show why meat, dairy, and other processed foods should not be consumed, especially with children.

What if we could break those habits with a simple mindset shift!?

Breaking the habits of bad eating, lack, and depression. It’s true that our foods dictate our lifestyle. If you’re constantly eating heavy processed foods, then you’ll eventually end up heavy, tired, and taking multiple medications to mask what’s really going on inside. If you’re tired, you don’t want to be productive, or find the time to actually take care of yourself. Continuing in this condition leads to depression and an unkept lifestyle.

Being someone who has battle some type of illness all my life, I know that the best person to take care of me is me. Doctors are great, but they can’t make money if you’re not sick. So it wasn’t until I truly changed my mind and seemed information for myself, is when I truly started to heal and become whole again.

It’s time we stop relying on others to take care of us and start taking care of ourselves. Be strong, be you, and take your life back. You only get one chance on this earth, and it shouldn’t be spent sick and tired.



First I would like to start off by saying, THANK YOU.
To everyone that has taken the time to read my post, I REALLY appreciate you.
I never thought I would be doing anything like this, I am truly grateful for the support.
GREAT things are coming in the near future 🙂

I’m sure many of you have already started things of things that you want to improve on for the new year. I know for me, I’m working on writing more and working towards expanding my audience. I want to reach more people with my message about my vegan eating and putting out more info on Lupus.
The most common resolution has to be weight loss and fitness. Well, I think I can help in this area. If you haven’t heard, Urban Remedy is a great company that caters to organic, holistic eating. They provide many guidelines on juicing, vegan, and organic eating.
So if diet is one of your resolutions, check out the links below. I’m sure you’ll enjoy.
Be on the look out this upcoming year, I have a lot of projects that I am excited to start implementing 🙂

Urban Remedy LLC


urban remedy


food substitute

So if you really know me, you know I LOVE to eat. A few of my favorite dishes are made with rice, noodles, and pasta. With that I have to be mindful of how much of those items I consume because those foods are heavy in unhealthy starch. Starchy foods aide in inflammation, joint pain, and weight gain. So of course I had to come up with an alternative because I just couldn’t see myself not eating pasta anymore. I was reading a recipe one day that required rice but it wasn’t used. Instead the recipe used cauliflower instead. Lets just say I tried it, and loved it. All you need is a good knife to get the cauliflower fine like rice would be. It’s a little bit fluffier than rice but still just as good. Add a little salt for taste and you’re good to go.
Cauliflower is low in calories and high in nutrients. Here are a few benefits of eating cauliflower.
1. Antioxidant
Cauliflower is a very good source of vitamin C and manganese, which are both powerful antioxidants. With these antioxidants, you can be certain that eating cauliflower regularly will help protect you from free radical damage and reduce your risk for diseases caused by oxidative stress, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
2. Anti-Inflammation
Cauliflower also contains high amounts of vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids, which help decrease inflammation. Potentially, regular cauliflower consumption can help decrease the risk of inflammation-mediated diseases such as arthritis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory bowel disease.
3. Cardiovascular
By decreasing chronic inflammation, cauliflower is able to maintain the patency of the blood vessels and keeps excellent blood flow to essential organs of the body.
4. Digestive
A cup of boiled cauliflower delivers about 3.35 g of dietary fiber, which helps clean your digestive system and gets rid of unnecessary substances.
5. Nutritional
Cauliflower also contains vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and B9 (folic acid). It serves as a good source of proteins, phosphorus and potassium.
If cauliflower is still not your thing, try wild rice and black noodles. Both every tasty but still needs to be consumed sparingly. Try it out, you may just add another favorite to your meals. 🙂
What are some food substitutes that you use. Share 🙂


Put the table salt down

When it comes to cooking, seasoning is very important. The way you season your food determines how it will turn out. What you season with is also very important. Growing up I loved watching my mom mix stuff together, that’s basically how I learned (and getting on her nerves until she would let me cook with her!). One thing we never used a lot of was salt, mainly due to my lupus. Once I was diagnosed, all of our eating habits changed. Once I moved out on my own I became more aware of what I was putting in my food. I didn’t buy the store brand seasonings filled with bleached salt and other preservatives. I became very careful and started reading all the labels. 

Being the nerd I am, I remembered so much from my science classes and how different minerals helped keep the body functioning. One very important mineral the human body needs is salt. Not the white stuff we find at the grocery store, REAL SALT. The best would be pink salt. Pink salt identified 84 essential minerals required to sustain human life. The reason there are so many people suffering from diseases it because we have chronic mineral deficiencies. Pink salt is the purest and most natural form of salt on earth. It contains less sodium and only requires small doses when using. It helps to balance out water throughout the body (Ladies it helps with water weight during that fun time of the month..ha). Balances pH, lowers blood pressure, removes and dissolves toxins, and helps the intestines absorb nutrients. 

Pink salt is also good for strengthening bones, improving circulation, prevents cramping, and increases hydration. I can be a witness to how much it has helped me over the last three years. When I cook my food, I can tell that I don’t have anymore flairs because there isn’t much sodium that I’m consuming. It has really made a difference in my arthritis and osteoporosis. Exercising is much easier for me and the winter months aren’t as painful either. 

So go throw that table salt away and go buy PINK SALT or any unbleached salt for that matter. 
